Picture This & WriteOn!

One of the neatest parts of my commercial photography is meeting other entrepreneurs and capturing their personality! It's our online presence that separates us from others and how we appear to the online world is important these days! Please welcome to our blog Lauren Caggiano! She is the owner of WriteOn and was a BLAST to capture! She regularly writes for several local, regional and national publications. Feel free to visit her site for more information or any help with your writing skills! 


Catch Up-Headshots

LOTS of projects unfolding for our busiest month of the year! From Weddings to Commercial Shoots, the blog may have been quiet, but our studio, computers & cameras are the exact opposite! Enjoy a few sneak peeks from the latest head shots we've been capturing. Depending in the look your wish to be represented for your business, leads us to a variety of results for our commercial head shots! Enjoy and Thanks to all that we've got to privilege to work with and learn their business! 

Congrats to Senior Ivy!

Introducing to our Senior Portfolio this 2018 year...Ms. Ivy! It was a pleasure creating all types of art at a new location in Fort Wayne. So many places yet to discover and one of my favorite things about being a photographer....you turn into an explorer. 

Enjoy a few more images and have a GREAT few weeks until we get together for your gallery. 


Mr & Mrs Moreau

Another gorgeous weekend full of memories for these beautiful souls and their families! We were honored to capture this! I've known this family for a LONG time and to watch another in their family start a life of love and unity is just priceless. Enjoy these few captures as we create their collection. We Thank You all for the amazing day and night we witnessed. God Bless!


Introducing the Laboube Twins

Check out these cute bundles of joy! Gracing our family with a new addition we get to enjoy watching grow with their big sister!! We were super blessed to capture their newborn session at the studio this past week. Enjoy a few sneak peeks, especially to their proud Dad that wanted to see them wrapped in the bold Green Bay Packers colors! Can't wait to release this gallery! 


All Because...

...two people fell in love. Now a few decades later, these beautiful souls get to create an ultimate family collection of images with us that speak volumes on how GRAND life can truly be. The top image on the right is a capture with all of their GREAT-grandchildren! Most we've had so far in one setting! 

Thank you Maggie for seeking and inviting us to capture your beautiful family. It was a pleasure creating this for you and spending time with your on Sunday! We look forward now to designing a book for your family to enjoy for a lifetime and beyond! Many blessings! 


Dawn of Styles...

...is making waves in Fort Wayne, Indiana and beyond! Touching the lives of several ladies to help them connect with like-minded Christian women, as well as, providing them education on how to create styles with high quality jewelry. We are pleased to partner with this group and help them create an online presence! Enjoy this additional sneak peek on the blog and feel free to check out www.dawnofstyles.com for more information! 


Be still my heart...

...as we are blessed to capture the best of both of Rebecca's favorite genres! Babies & Horses~OH MY!!! 

Many congrats to the Wilson family for their blessing just recently born. As he lays on his future saddle, he's destined to be a cowboy! This family won our gift certificate during one of our donations this year! What a GREAT way to redeem! Enjoy for now, gallery to soon come! 

National Dog Day Sessions

Are unfolding this entire month! Pleased to revisit this family and capture the fur babies right along with them! Enjoy these 2 for now, your gallery is being created! 

Interested in booking your pet a session of their very own? Check out our featured session offer this month only!